Wednesday, November 20, 2013

In the Journey called Life: Finale- The Rao Upadesh!

( Part-III of  In the Journey called Life)

A picture from the seminar in Delhi: The Rao Upadesh!

I would like to quote some of the general things which Mr. Rao and some of the other faculty members emphasized on in the seminar.  I will not describe any details of the techniques taught in the seminar. I will stick to the information which would be interesting for a wider readership. I have divided them into subtopics just to give it a structure. These are based on what was told in the class, which i took down in the form of notes or recordings. I hope I can do justice to his words. Wish me luck!

The importance of Birth Horoscope and manual calculations
  • ' The birth chart is the planetary alignment in the sky when the baby came out of the womb of the mother and started its life in this mortal world. Astrology and astronomy are intertwined. The birth chart represents the promises present in your  life. The most important thing in Hindu Astrology which makes it far superior to other astrological forms are the planetary time periods or the Dashas. If the appropriate dasha does not show up in your lifetime, the promise in the chart remains an empty promise.'
  • ' It is highly important especially in this computer age, to learn to compute the birth chart and the corresponding divisional charts manually. There are several softwares which are available these days to do the computing. I have found no two softwares to give the same dasha balance (planetary time periods). Calculating manually will increase your concentration, the chart will remain in your head for the rest of your life. This, I have noticed improves your predicting capability.'

Why twins can have very different lives
  • 'Birth chart is the primary chart.  You can get the overall picture of your life  from that. But Hindu Astrology has  even better ways of microscopically looking at your life by computation of divisional charts.  Make generous use of the divisional charts for your prediction which are computed from the birth chart based on the degrees of the planets . These represent specific parts of life and will give specific details which cannot be clearly seen in a birth chart. For instance for knowing about your spouse and marriage, you need to check the navamsa chart in addition to the birth chart and so on.
  • The time of birth can be very critical for this computation. Difference of few minutes will also change  the lagna (ascendant) * of the divisional chart. This has been the cause for different life patterns of twins who in most cases have highly similar birth charts.'

A Scientific research approach
  • ' It is absolutely important to adopt an scientific research approach to astrology and promote it as Science. There are many rules and scriptures available. But it is very important to validate them. Test them on atleast 100-200 horoscopes, if not more  and give the % success rate before you conclude whether it is indeed a working principle which can be used for prediction. If this is done who can deny that Astrology is not a science?! This is what I wanted to do and this is what we have done in the past in Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan and what we continue to do!'
  • ' Try and collect as many horoscopes as possible and develop a database for yourself. Start off with horoscopes of people whom you know intimately. Check if the described principles fit with their life events. Do not trust the horoscopes of celebrities and politicians which are given on online sources. There are high chances that they are not right unless you get it directly from them or from a trusted source.'

Think liberally not literally
  • ' Remember Desh-Kaal-Paatra (Country-the generation- culture) when you are trying to make a prediction. Live-in relationships or having children out of a wedlock are very common in many western countries, but that is not the case for instance in India. You need to know the backround of the  person and the generation they belong to you are dealing with before you try to make a prediction for them'.
  • ' When you read the Hindu astrology scriptures (Brihat Parashara Hora Shatra, Jaimini Sutras etc), apply them liberally not literally. They are ingenious works which indeed represent the great knowledge in Ancient India. But they were written thousands of years ago, when things were very different. It is absolutely essential to adapt them to be relevant to the current age and generation. Apply the rules liberally and don’t take the meanings of the scriptures literally.'

Fraud Astrologers and prescribed remedies
  • 'There are many astrologers out there who refuse to share their knowledge which was passed on to them from their family. There are many astrologers out there who are not willing to do research in astrology. Open source knowledge in astrology will help eradicate the number of fake astrologers  who scare people and prescribe remedies just to make money. They try to get famous by going on TV, quite often giving wrong information. I have also noticed that families of such cheating astrologers suffer in later years. I would request everyone out here not to cheat people. In this materialistic age it is hard to survive without money. But whenever possible do free consultation for someone who is in desperate need for guidance.'
  • ' I DO NOT prescribe any remedies such as wearing gem stones or puja for pacifying the planets. The only thing I recommend people is to chant the Vishnusahasranamam, be regular with their prayers to God, Do good to people and help the needy. If you want the benefits, you need to pray yourself and not expect some gemstone to do the job for you. If you want a consultation from me and you don’t believe in God, then please don’t waste your time and mine and come to me. It doesn’t matter if you follow Krishna, Jesus or Allah, But if you don’t believe in the supreme being, don’t come to me.'

Astrologers V Psychiatric councillors
  • ' Why do people come to astrologers? There are times in everyones life when they are unsure of certain things. They need someone to guide them. Sometimes they want to get answers about why it is happening. They come for reassurance that they are on a right track. Astrologers are similar to psychological councillors, only that I can confidently say that astrologers are far superior. Why? Because a GOOD astrologer has the knowledge to actually reason out the Psychological condition of the person who has come to them. The horoscope gives a lot of information about the events of their life which the astrologer can read. But a Psychological councillor has to rely only on what the patients actually tell them!'

I here also quote from the book written by K.N. Rao which is  titled Astrology, Destiny and the wheel of time. Many of the things he mentioned in class are also present in the book.

Astrology is a perfect Science, But astrologers are imperfect
  • ' Anyone who goes to consult an astrologer should approach him/her with respect but never in total belief in his ability to predict anything and everything correctly. Till we started our classes here under the Council of Astrological Sciences, there existed no popular, non-classical method, yet totally modern way of giving instructions in astrology. Most of the astrologers even in India, in the land of Astrology know only some rudiments of the subject .Most of our astrological scriptures were destroyed during the repeated colonization, especially during the Mughal and the British rule.  But in this era of high-tech publicity, anybody  can start an astrological journal  and begin to self-boost themselves. How should anyone who wants an astrological guidance approach an astrologer in our complex times? These are my tips:
  • (a) Tell him if your birth time is correct and whether the horoscope you have cast is accurate and according to his specifications
        (b)  Assure him that the horoscope is that of a living person, not that of a twin. Disclose the sex always
        (c) Then see how the astrologer works. It reveals good deal about him. Since most of the astrologers are fraudulent and greedy, one has to make sure not to reveal too much about themselves
       (d) Let the astrologer then trace out himself, without your helping, some past events by writing down on a paper and hand it over to you. Do not accept an astrologer unless he gives his readings In writing. If you are satisfied now with his ability, then pose him with a question or two.
    (e) Now ask the astrologer to give you in writing future predictions. Insist on it, if he is a professional astrologer charging fee.
    (f) Do not accept an astrologer who suggests remedial measures without first convincing you that his astrological ability is sound enough.

Astrology, Destiny and the wheel of time
  • ' The saints are world's finest reformers because they destroy the dogma of religion which can otherwise turn fundamentalist. Many of these great saints have been excellent astrologers before they developed spiritual powers which made astrology a redundant pursuit for them. But they always encouraged others doing astrology because they know that astrology provides insights into the total personality of a person, at a physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual substrata of his personality. Such total view together with their holistic view of the world we live in, alone is the true method of promoting harmony and peace. If you are doing astrology and not doing your prayer, you are wasting time. Astrology should take you closer to God!
  • The step an astrologer can follow step by step is…1) Prepare astrological data accurately and fully, 2) Note its positive and negative points, 3) Find out the planetary patterns which reveal many mysterious twists of life, 4) Then time the events on the basis of the Vimshottari dasha (planetary time periods).


A treasured picture! A keep for life!
Now comes the main question..If everything is predestined, then is there any use of self-efforts and righteousness?? 

 The paths of our lives is indeed predestined. I didn’t believe in it before. But more I learn astrology, more I understand my own personality better. Self-discovery has been the greatest prize of investing my time in learning this science. I could see why I had inclinations towards certain things, why I wanted to stay away from certain things. I could also point out time periods when I was in complete distress and when things were not working at one go. I could recognise time periods when I had the 'stroke of luck' as we call it. I could point out when I developed sudden interest in something, when I decided to change my field, when I had the inclination to go to foreign lands which indeed fructified at the right dasha. I was convinced even further during my trip to Delhi, where i saw live demonstration of how good astrologers can see you inside out just my analysing your horoscope.

But as much as the PATH  is carved out for us, and as much as we don’t have a control over it. What WE DO have control over is how we react to the scenarios we are pushed into! Whether we are resilient and fight out our tough times or crumble under the tough scenario is completely in our hands. Whether we let pride and arrogance take over us during our good times or decide to remain humble, we have the liberty to choose that.

It is believed in Hindu astrology that the path we are put under in this birth is the sum total of our karma (deeds) of the last birth.  Hence the path is pre-destined, but  right now as I write, our current karma is getting added on…... IN THE JOURNEY CALLED LIFE!

Tips for the curious, interested and motivated!
(Disclaimer:- The recommendations given below are based solely on my own experience. It is highly likely that I have missed out on some important references!)

Recommended reading: 

-Learn Hindu Astrology easily by K. N. Rao
-Astrology, Destiny and the wheel of time by K.N. Rao
-Elements of astronomy and astrological calculations by V. P. Jain
-Planets and education by Naval Singh ( How planets influence our education)
-Interpreting divisional charts by N.N. Sharma ( Why twins are different)
-Astrology of professions by Col. A.K. Gour
-Planets and Children by K. N. Rao
-Timing events through Vimshottari dasha
-Predicting through Jaimini Chara Dasha
The journal of Astrology is a bimonthly journal which has some excellent and ongoing research results published. Subscription is by post.

Recommended  youtube channels:
-KRS Channel
-Ernst Wilhelm

Recommended websites

* The birth chart is divided into 12 houses which stand for the 12 zodiac signs. The moment you were born there was a zodiac sign ascending from the horizon in the place you were born. This becomes your ascending sign or your ascendant a.k.a your Lagna.


  1. Excellent.Cultivate the habit of writing down your views on various topics --particularly pertaining to today's current affairs in India--and send them to various newspapers,starting with The Hindu Op-Ed pages.Eventually you will be able to become an established author.Good Luck an God's blessings to you--Appa.

  2. Dear Aashrita: There are two points I find important in your third and most important part of your blog on astrology, viz. (a) astrology predicts the path in life that an individual is bound to journey through which is beyond his/her control (prescribed "remedies" notwithstanding) but that his responses to the milestones of that path are within his/her control; and (b) that Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan has tested hundreds of horoscopes and their predictions with the past of real individuals. As one who neither believes nor disbelieves in efficacy of astrology/god, but not ruling it out, I wish to know (a) whether for the different optional reactions of ours to each uncontrollable milestone in our path of life, the subsequent sequence of milestones remain the same and unchanged or the subsequent milestones or their sequence can also change, and if the latter does it not mean that the path of life is not entirely beyond our control but are to some extent or the other under our control; and (b) for a proper assessment of the efficacy of astrology, I wish to have the references of publications if any from Bharatiya 'Vidya Bhavan which give the results of their examination of hundreds of horoscopes and the predictions based on them vis-a-vis the real past milestones of their paths of lives and their reactions/results w.r.t. such milestones. I think there is a subtle difficulty in even defining what is a milestone in our path of life and what is a response to such a milestone or the outcome of such a reaction, because if we define the external circumstances outside our control as a milestone in our path and the reaction as a controllable reaction of ours, the result can be a milestone by itself in our path of life which by its very nature a product of factors that are both within and beyond our control and not entirely the latter thus contradicting our first definition of a milestone in our path of life. This hiatus in definition needs to be reconciled as this can make or mar the prediction value and accuracy of astrology itself and its claim to being a science. I hope you agree.

  3. Dear Aashrita,
    I see Astrology as more of Brahmanical System rather than being an essential part of any of the nine schools of Indian Philosophy. Going by it, it would have emerged not before 1 A.D.
    I am personally attracted towards the Vedantic Philosophy of Shankaracharya. And, long before Shankara it was Gautam Buddha who had already preached what Shankara did in 8th Century.
    Now coming to your post.
    When astrologers say that astrology is a science they say so because like sciences it too entails a couple of calculations and combinations. So, the base of their claim seems to be calculations per se rather than science.
    As you know very well that every science starts with observation of the reality. And, every science is predictable and universalizable.
    So can you tell me from where do the astrologers begin?
    Do they begin from position of planets or do they begin from questioing their subject's cultural background?
    If they begin from planets and then come down to determine an individual's life then we can say that they are assuming astrology to be a Deductive system.
    But if they start from individual life historys and then move up to planets then they are assuming astrology to be inductive system.
    So, What kind of science is it?
    Secondly, Why is astrology not univeral. As we know very well that scientific laws are universal.
    If astrology makes too my calculations which can even be made by using computers then why cannot predictions be also made by computers.
    Why do we need an astrologer to predict it for every case? Why is this science dependent upon discretions?
    I think astrology is a tool for Brahmanical domination over the society.
    Brahmins in India had developed many such practices based upon thought and not science.

  4. //' It is absolutely important to adopt an scientific research approach to astrology and promote it as Science. //
    Astrology is a failed science (that's how scientists of today who know the history tells us), its ancient, so ancient whose fundamentals are formed when people did not know the earth orbitted the sun, astrologers world view is earth centered. Those people considered sun, and moon as planets in reality we understood later that the sun is a star that's very close, the moon is a satellite to the earth!

    Astrology was indeed a science a while ago not now, astronomy and astrology parted their ways since Kepler and Tycho! If you want to have a scientific understanding of the stars you would choose astronomy and not astrology! You will look through the telescope rather than some ancient scriptures / square blocks that constitute the 12 constellations!


    //Test them on at least 100-200 horoscopes, if not more and give the % success rate before you conclude whether it is indeed a working principle which can be used for prediction. If this is done who can deny that Astrology is not a science?//

    Well any scientist can, have you heard about the double blind trail? That's the best method that humans have come up with to validate any claim which is scientific. I see you not mentioning it, which means you are either not aware or you are not willing to use it. Unless you scientifically & statistically prove your methods in a scientifically controlled environment, no real scientist would approve astrology as a science today!

    //ive-in relationships or having children out of a wedlock are very common in many western countries// Thats an excuse! How does that make any difference whether or not its a live-in / traditional relationship? All you care about is the position of the stars and planets for prediction right? Why would that even matter? If your methods are universal it should apply to anybody and there should be a concurrence among astrologers in the prediction, which I have seen as not the case except for some basic common understanding!Their predictions vary! Wonder why? Because its not a tested and proven method like in the case of a scientific environment, lets take an example of identifying a chemical in a a laboratory, irrespective of the person who is testing it, given with the test apparatus everyone would come with the same conclusion! Where as in astrology not many does! here is the significant difference between science and mysticism!

  5. //It doesn’t matter if you follow Krishna, Jesus or Allah, But if you don’t believe in the supreme being, don’t come to me.'// Because you would get exposed? become frustrated because of your emotional attachments with religion?
    Nothing personnel but clearly this the problem for you of all people the faith of the people matters so that you can deceive them, in fact you yourself an educated person living in a delusional world based on your up bringing and a selected readings of books that pacifies you! What stops you from reading the other side of the story?

    astrologers are far superior. Why? Because a GOOD astrologer has the knowledge to actually reason out the Psychological condition of the person who has come to them. The horoscope gives a lot of information about the events of their life which the astrologer can read

    Really? Why then no two astrologers give the same solution? You will claim the other one is wrong, but if the other one is wrong why cant you be wrong too?

    //But a Psychological councilor has to rely only on what the patients actually tell them!'// Because that's based on reality, reality matters not some sacred scriptures!

    //Astrology is a perfect Science, But astrologers are imperfect// What a nice caveat you people always use as an excuse what stops them from becoming perfect? If there is no fundamentals that are right, no one can be correct! Lets face it!

    he greatest prize of investing my time in learning this science// Don't call it as science just because you want to! Science is taught in school, college and universities all over the world, not astrology!

    //It is believed in Hindu astrology that the path we are put under in this birth is the sum total of our karma (deeds) of the last birth. Hence the path is pre-destined, but right now as I write, our current karma is getting added on// Exactly its a belief not based on evidence then it will never come near science!

    I really wanted to write mote comments but I will write based on your response! There are several books I have only one book to recommend, if you really want to read the other side of the story!
    The_Demon-Haunted_World by Carl sagan.

    If you are interested in many more books I will share later!
